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Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting milestone, and being well-prepared is key to ensuring a smooth transition for your furry friend. Here's a comprehensive checklist of essentials to make your new puppy's arrival a joyous experience

High-Quality Puppy Food

At Massbach Mesa Doodles, we are proud partners of Fromm Family Pet Food, a 5th generation family-owned-and-operated facility based in Wisconsin that uses wholesome ingredients. We start all of our puppies on their dry puppy food and will send you home with a 5 # bag to start. Whenever/if you choose to switch your puppy's food, transition gradually from Fromm's food to the new food to avoid digestive upset. Consult with your veterinarian to select the right nutrition for your puppy's age and size. 


Food and Water Bowls

Opt for stainless steel or ceramic bowls that are shallow and easily disinfected.  These heavier bowls help prevent spills and make it convenient for your puppy to stay hydrated and well-fed. The stainless steel slopper stopper will help the sloppy drinker.  Plastic bowls may be tempting due to cost, but they can be harmful to your puppy's health. In addition to growing a high amount of bacteria that can cause illness, your puppy may chew on the plastic bowl, swallow sharp shards, and injure themselves.


Puppy Heartbeat Toy

Introducing a heartbeat puppy toy to your new furry family member can offer a range of benefits during the transition to their new home. These toys are designed to mimic the heartbeat of a mother, providing a source of comfort for your puppy. This simulated heartbeat can create a sense of security and reduce separation anxiety, especially during the initial adjustment period. This can also promote a restful sleep routine, contributing to a smoother and more positive adaptation to their new surroundings. You can find many versions of the heartbeat puppy toy on Amazon, such as the Original Snuggle Puppy Heartbeat Stuffed Toy.



Keep your new puppy entertained with a variety of toys. An unentertained puppy leaves opportunity for them to create their own entertainment, often at the expense of your furniture or socks. Stock up on chew toys, soft plush toys, interactive puzzle toys, squeaky toys, rubber fetch toys, and squeaky toys. Tug of war toys are a great way to get puppy energy out, but make sure to teach your puppy when to release to avoid unwanted behaviors. Some toys are designed to be filled with water and frozen, which can be soothing for teething puppies and also refreshing during hot weather. It's important to rotate toys to maintain interest, and always make sure they are safe and appropriate for your puppy's size and the goldendoodle breed.


Dog Crate

Provide a safe haven for your new puppy with a comfortable and appropriately sized crate. The puppy should be able to stand up , lie down , turn around and stretch inside.   Crates are beneficial for puppies because they provide a secure and safe space, and aid in housebreaking by leveraging a dog's natural instinct to keep their den clean. Crate training helps manage destructive behaviors and separation anxiety, establishes routine, and makes traveling easier by maintaining a consistent environment for your puppy. A dog crate can also serve as a great tool to teach your new puppy  basic training commands. Additionally, it offers comfort and relaxation, with many dogs viewing their crate as a comforting retreat if properly trained. Gradual and positive reinforcement-based crate training ensures that the crate remains a welcoming space for your puppy throughout their life.


Dog Bed & Bedding

Puppies may be full of energy, but they also love to sleep. Be prepared with a comfy dog bed for a cozy resting place but something that can be easily washed during the training stage.  I will be sending a small blanket with the scent  of their littermates. Having this familiar-scented item will provide comfort during the initial adjustment period. After your puppy is house trained and graduates from her crate to a real dog bed, you can choose from a wide range of pillows, cushions, dog-size couches that matches your home decor.


Adjustable Collar, ID Tag, and Leash

Your new puppy will go home with a basic collar from us, but we recommend having another adjustable collar ready - your pup will grow fast! Don't forget an ID tag with your contact information on it, which you can easily order online at Amazon or Etsy. It's important to begin leash training early to encourage positive outdoor experiences. When looking at a leash, 6 foot leashes are a good standard. Be cautious of retractable leashes when walking, especially if living in a high traffic area, as the lock is not always reliable and can put your puppy in a dangerous situation. 

The right size dog harness is ok to use also. 


Enzymatic Cleaner

Potty training your new puppy will require patience but having an enzymatic cleaner rather than a regular cleaner or stain remover will help the process. Enzymatic cleaners effectively eliminate odors and discourage repeat incidents, and some even have a stain remover built in to get those pesky stains outs, like this one. Prompt cleaning helps prevent lingering scents that may attract your puppy to the same spot.


Puppy Pee Pads

It's inevitable during potty training that accidents will happen (fingers crossed not many)! Potty pads are useful for crate training or when outdoor trips are limited. Place them in a consistent location to reinforce the desired potty area. They can also be helpful for accident clean up since they are much more absorbent than paper towels. 


Poop Bags & More Poop Bags

Poop bags are essential for cleaning up after your puppy during walks and keeping your yard clean - and they go fast. Luckily, you can easily find packs of these at any store, or be extra prepared when you buy this 540-pack of eco-friendly bags on Amazon. Be a responsible pet owner by promptly disposing of waste and help prevent the many diseases that are carried pet to pet by their feces.


Training Treats

Puppies stomachs are sensitive to new things, which is why we actually recommend using their regular dog food as "training treats" to start. Then, you can slowly introduce small, soft treats for positive reinforcement during training sessions and as rewards for good behavior. Just be careful not to overdo it and cause tummy upset!


Puppy-Proofing Supplies

Puppies should be monitored closely, especially the first few days, as they sniff out their new home. It's impossible to keep an eye on them at all times, so create a safe environment by removing hazards and consider using gates to limit access as needed. Create a safe environment for your naturally curious puppy by removing any potential dangers like small objects, kids toys, cleaning supplies, and medicine and put them in a basket or container where your new puppy can't reach. Also, make sure to secure or hide electrical cords - puppies tend to love these! 


Grooming Supplies

A Goldendoodle's coat is one of their many beautiful and unique qualities. Establish a grooming routine early to promote a positive association with grooming so that you can easily maintain your new puppy's coat throughout their lifetime without it being a stressful experience. Invest in the basics like a furminator slicker brush, metal detangling comb, nail clippers, scissors, cotton balls, ear cleaning solution, toothbrush, toothpaste and puppy-friendly shampoo and conditioner with hair blower. You can store items in a plastic tote for easy access. Even in instances when your puppy doesn't need their hair brushed or nails trimmed, you can still go through the actions to get them used to the process.


Veterinary Care Essentials

Upon getting your new puppy, we have taken them to the veterinarian for their 6-week health check and to get their first round of core vaccines and deworming. We recommend making their next veterinary appointment ahead of time for when they are 9-weeks. When choosing your veterinarian, it's important to do your research. A good rule of thumb is to check out their reviews and what other people are saying about them. It may be a good idea to call and schedule your vet appointment even prior to getting your puppy, as some clinics are booked out far in advance. Schedule vaccinations and discuss flea, tick, and worm prevention with your veterinarian. I have found over the years that it is better for the puppy's immune system to handle the vaccines , flea/ tick medicine spread out over a week instead of receiving them all on the same day . If the pup does have a reaction you can determine which caused the reaction.  Keep a record of vaccinations and set a schedule for regular check-ups.

The New Puppy Checklist:
Essentials for Bringing Home Your New Puppy

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